Fan Shrouds

Fan Shrouds

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Several fan shrouds were located in an open warehouse. The exposed sharp edges of the shrouds created a risk of injury to people in the warehouse. Because the shrouds were black they blended into the background, accelerating the risk for accidental injury. OSHA considered the fan shrouds to be a workplace hazard.


The fan shrouds were removed from their assembly and brought to a local LINE-X® store. There, the steel was cleaned using DuPont® 5717S Metal Conditioner and etched using 36 grit paper and a DA sander. After etching, debris was blown from the substrate and the steel was wiped with a mild solvent. LINE-X XS-100 industrial coating was applied in yellow to the substrate, completely encapsulating it. LINE-X® XTRA was then applied in Safety Yellow.


The application was complete within four hours and back in service soon thereafter with no change in daily operations.


The shrouds were replaced without any fitting issues. LINE-X provided protection against the sharp edges of the fans while making them more visible with the yellow color-coded LINE-X XTRA protective coating. The changes satisfied OSHA and passed subsequent inspections. The durability of LINE-X ensures that the coating will last the life of the unit.