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The Situation
Companies in North America have the constant challenge of keeping their equipment looking clean and new. Commercial utility trucks aren’t immune to this problem. Side decks and cabinets, in particular, require routine maintenance to prevent corrosion problems.
Impact and abrasion can easily wear away the thin layer of paint on service vehicles exposing the metal beneath to corrosion. The resulting deterioration of the metal will require maintenance or replacement.
Despite maintaining a “like-new” lustre, utility trucks must be functional. Valuable tools stored in the side cabinets must be protected from damage during long hauls driving between job sites.
Customers in the market for utility trucks are demanding higher quality vehicles equipped with the highest quality coatings.
The Solution
LINE-X Protective Automotive Coatings are suitable for all kinds of utility bodies. For superior protection against abrasion and corrosion, LINE-X XS-100 is the answer.
Applied over a properly prepared substrate, LINE-X full vehicle spray will eliminate corrosion and abrasion issues as well as provide chemical and impact resistance.
To keep tools and other important equipment in their place, a heavy texture can be added to the coating. The XS-100 formula also allows the applicator to increase the texture to provide the necessary slip resistant properties.
The Results
The LINE-X application provides durable, long-lasting protection against impact, abrasion, and corrosion.
The LINE-X coating not only protected the side cabinets from corrosion and intense impact, but also provided the necessary texture to improve slip resistance. LINE-X protected side cabinets enhance the safety of the unit and create a surface that is easy to clean.
The customer was pleased with the resulting durability, high functionality and look of the product.